The modern world is moving forward dynamically. And today the site is a kind of showcase of the company, and social networks work as if you had already invited your potential client to visit. Social networks are also the simplest and most accessible point of contact with a company for a consumer. It depends on SMM specialists what the audience will associate with the brand, how the work with competitors will be structured, how the product will be positioned and how successfully the work with possible negative will be carried out.


Below we outline the skills of an SMM specialist required to become in demand in the market.

1. Identify or study the main objectives of the company
As a rule, an SMM specialist begins his work by studying the goals and objectives of the company, built by the PR department or marketing department. It is on the basis of business objectives that communication channels are determined, work with the audience, competitors and content is built. In order to understand how to interact with users, what style of communication with them to choose, it is worth studying or identifying the main audiences from scratch. By the way, there may be several of them. Based on this, the style of communication with users, the style of content, targeting settings or a sample of bloggers is built. Ask yourself a few questions - will you appeal to users on you or on you, will you post memes or write capacious analytical notes? The simplest thing is to sample by age, gender, place of residence and interests.

It is useful at the planning stage to study the pages of competitors. Identify inspirational content, learn communication style, or figure out how not to do it. Be sure to identify how you differ from your competitors and use this advantage in the future.

2. Correctly define the channels for communication
Don't waste energy and budget on everything. Once you've analyzed your audience, understand where they live and focus on that channel. For example, B2B projects are traditionally best visited on Facebook, and B2C projects on Instagram and VKontakte. Maintain pages in several social networks only if there are resources for filling them with high-quality content (preferably and unique!).

The better you study your potential customers, the better your chances of being where they spend the most time. Accordingly, the likelihood of being noticed will increase.

3. Work out a content plan
Quality content is the face of the company. In order not to go astray and move according to the set tasks, it is important to work out a content plan. It is best to create it at least a month in advance, but after the first week it is important to analyze how well the published materials work. Evaluate the audience's reaction, the number of comments under posts, engagement, changes in the number of subscribers, reposts. Useful and convenient services for planning a content plan - SMMPlanner, Publbox or Amplifr.

At the stage of drawing up a content plan, it is important to determine whether the available photo and video materials are sufficient for maintaining social networks for a given period. If there is not enough content suitable for the style of social networks, it is worth setting specific tasks for the production department.

4. Create engaging unique content
You will be read only if you write succinctly about what your audience does not yet know, but wants to know. Important: people don't want to see open source commercial content. They want to read things that inspire, amuse, or fill them with new knowledge. There are three types of trouble-free content, which SMM specialists usually call - hygiene, hub and hero.

Hygiene is content that is interesting to your audience, which you will have to Google and highlight among other things. This is the required minimum of materials on your topic, which will enable the user to study the company, product, find out the required minimum about the goods or services offered. Typically, this content is identified by an SEO specialist. If the company or outsourcing does not have such an employee, then Wordstat will help you simply research key queries on your topic.

A hub is content that encourages your audience to come back to your company page over and over again. In other words, this is very useful content. Such materials should answer users' questions - how to do something, where to look, where to look, why to read, etc. An example of a hub would be short notes like “how to be trendy this fall” or “how to create a comfortable workspace” or “why ride a bike in the city” and “how much time to spend outdoors to stay healthy”. SEO-study will also help to select relevant queries by topic.

The hero is the most difficult and expensive content. Most often, wealthy and already well-known companies come to this type of creation of materials. Your goal here is to create a unique, recognizable character and tell his story. This could be, for example, the protein that you use to advertise nuts, or Dr.

animal diseases as part of the communication strategy of the veterinary clinic. Even cooler is to invite a famous person to create a touching story with unobtrusive advertising for your products.


It's a good idea to create a theme cloud. Throw in dozens or hundreds of topics, break them down into subtopics, isolate the best from the array. Then ideas for creating new content will never end. And most importantly, don't forget about uniqueness. No one will read love quotes or good morning wishes. Such content can be found on every second page on Instagram or VK.

5. Master ad offices and targeting
There are millions of articles devoted to targeting on the Internet, and it is impossible to tell the basics of working with advertising in three words. If you are unsure of how to effectively use your budget or segment your audience, be sure to choose a course you like or do your own self-study.

6. Explore graphic editors
They are greeted by clothes. Yes, that's why graphic content on your social networks is incredibly important. Get inspired by good examples, develop a sense of style and find your own. Use graphic editors to play with colors, adjust images to the style and format of your account. Among the well-known image editors that will be useful to master are Photoshop, Canva, Figma, Pixlr.

7. Analyze the results
It's the most important. Learn to analyze your work in order to work on mistakes in time and become more professional. Define benchmarks by which you can study the results achieved and track the dynamics. You can do weekly or monthly analysis. It is not recommended to do this less often so that you can correct the strategy in time if something went wrong.

Improvements can be tracked by:

a) reposts, likes, comments, increasing the number of subscribers

b) coverage of publications,

c) the dynamics of unique visitors to your pages

d) the number of leads and applications for your product

Within a few weeks, you will be able to tell with certainty which formats, texts, images or even colors attract your audience more effectively.

So what does it take for good SMM?

- Link together the objectives of the company, brand and target audience

- Develop a content plan

- Attract the audience and "catch" their attention

- Fill the brand's social media with useful and engaging content

- Do not forget about tact and sense of style

- Explore advertising tools for effective budgeting

- Master graphic editors

- Be able to analyze your work and draw conclusions

And also, constant development is the key to success in the field of SMM. Discover training courses, be inspired by domestic and foreign examples, learn new tools to improve your efficiency.